Except for the legal person of International Union Construction Group investment subject, no other individual or institution has the right to sign the investment agreement with the project party on behalf of International Union Construction Group. International Union Construction Group does not charge any fees other than investment returns and management fees during the investment process.

International Union Construction Group takes advantages of its own business resources to help large state-owned enterprises and listed companies solve financing problems in the process of operation through debt investment and equity investment. In the field of debt investment, International Union Construction Group has carried out "Supporting New Era High-Quality Development Project of Debt Reduction Financing for Locally-Administered State-Owned Enterprises" it focuses on helping local state-owned enterprises enterprises achieve the goals of lower-cost financing and lower asset liability ratio. In the field of equity investment, International Union Construction Group in-depth research on the topic of high-quality development of "National Health Modernization Project of Chinese", boosts the development of domestic high-quality enterprises with high growth through industry investment and securities investment, meets the financing needs of enterprises at all periods. International Union Construction Group keeps exploring business model, broadens financial channels, satisfies the enterprise’s call for fund in an all-round way, and strives to support the high-quality development of China’s economy.